Good morning sun. Good morning memory.
The sun will not be denied today as it makes its bold and radiant presence known. Every tree branch, flower and plant reaches up to feel the warmth and calm of its rays. It is sturdy and regal in the sky this morning. The world below, loud, busy already at seven am but it holds steadfast to its position, its duty.
This day, it make sure I am aware of by waking my eyes and spirit. This same sun was present 101 years ago and rose to greet the young couple on the morning of their wedding.
How did the rays meet their slumber? Through bedroom windows, sheer curtains, a crack in a door? Was a breeze bending the light as it Madre its way through tree branches and leaves? Did it signal birds' chirping, light melodies dancing into the house?
Was Edith smiling, nervous, looking at her dress, doing her hair? Was her family gathered to add more smiles, embraces, a bouquet of flowers?
Did Bert feel nervous, excited? I'm sure he was handsomely dressed, proper for the occasion, eagerly awaiting the event.
They respected each other in their world, in their mutual understanding and implementation of work ethic. They knew what love and life took to make it and to make it work well.
Their love was the kind you really do daydream of finding in this concrete jungle. Love letters between them expressed the sweet contentment they shared of the simple conversation between one another. The lines held precious moments they had penned, sacred feelings, observations, goals and dreams. They showed the depth of devotion and attention paid to each other's interests, heart, well-being and future.
My song "Love Letters" was written for them, about them and because of them. I wanted to pay tribute to the special connection they had with each other that brought them together on the Rim of the Grand Canyon, a place that holds magic and seemed to offer it up when these two souls were introduced.
Bert spoke in such dear terms when referring to Edith. Edith found her loving Bert charming, tender and ever-present even when many miles separated the two.
I will always cherish knowing the hope that filled their eyes and spirits remained so in their love letters. To read their words was to feel their heartbeats. I feel I know that same hope, the endearing faith in a solidarity of a kind.
I put forth my senses through my art, my written word, what my heart sees, capturing the world around me, inhaling the beauty of nature, animals, people, life and love. I get that from them....and I am ever-so thankful!
I gaze back into the past, the blending of imagination and fact. It's a bittersweet knowledge I have gathered, as to think just three children and eight short years later, Edith would take her last breath on their anniversary. Too you, too much love gone.
I come back to the warmth of the sun, still resting on my the sounds of nature, people, my surroundings. My smile remains. The day is here and so are my great-grandparents.
The sun will not be denied today as it makes its bold and radiant presence known. Every tree branch, flower and plant reaches up to feel the warmth and calm of its rays. It is sturdy and regal in the sky this morning. The world below, loud, busy already at seven am but it holds steadfast to its position, its duty.
This day, it make sure I am aware of by waking my eyes and spirit. This same sun was present 101 years ago and rose to greet the young couple on the morning of their wedding.
How did the rays meet their slumber? Through bedroom windows, sheer curtains, a crack in a door? Was a breeze bending the light as it Madre its way through tree branches and leaves? Did it signal birds' chirping, light melodies dancing into the house?
Was Edith smiling, nervous, looking at her dress, doing her hair? Was her family gathered to add more smiles, embraces, a bouquet of flowers?
Did Bert feel nervous, excited? I'm sure he was handsomely dressed, proper for the occasion, eagerly awaiting the event.
They respected each other in their world, in their mutual understanding and implementation of work ethic. They knew what love and life took to make it and to make it work well.
Their love was the kind you really do daydream of finding in this concrete jungle. Love letters between them expressed the sweet contentment they shared of the simple conversation between one another. The lines held precious moments they had penned, sacred feelings, observations, goals and dreams. They showed the depth of devotion and attention paid to each other's interests, heart, well-being and future.
My song "Love Letters" was written for them, about them and because of them. I wanted to pay tribute to the special connection they had with each other that brought them together on the Rim of the Grand Canyon, a place that holds magic and seemed to offer it up when these two souls were introduced.
Bert spoke in such dear terms when referring to Edith. Edith found her loving Bert charming, tender and ever-present even when many miles separated the two.
I will always cherish knowing the hope that filled their eyes and spirits remained so in their love letters. To read their words was to feel their heartbeats. I feel I know that same hope, the endearing faith in a solidarity of a kind.
I put forth my senses through my art, my written word, what my heart sees, capturing the world around me, inhaling the beauty of nature, animals, people, life and love. I get that from them....and I am ever-so thankful!
I gaze back into the past, the blending of imagination and fact. It's a bittersweet knowledge I have gathered, as to think just three children and eight short years later, Edith would take her last breath on their anniversary. Too you, too much love gone.
I come back to the warmth of the sun, still resting on my the sounds of nature, people, my surroundings. My smile remains. The day is here and so are my great-grandparents.